Utsav Singh Rathour

Utsav Singh Rathour


Team: Plugin

Contributor Day Team Lead Type: National

Contributor Day Team Lead Bio:
Utsav likes to call himself a wannabe because he wants to be so many things. He is a developer by heart, runs a WordPress based service-focused digital Agency and a few WordPress based products. His newfound love is Youtube, where he runs a tech review channel called Uv Reviews and sometimes adds travel videos on his personal channel.

He has been in the WordPress ecosystem for 11 years and just loves how active and welcoming this community is. He is the current lead organizer for WordCamp Kathmandu and a part of WordCamp Kathmandu since the very first. He is also an active speaker having spoken in around 9 WordCamps in different cities since 2012.

He loves to talk to new people, especially from the community. So if you see him around, say hi or if you are shy, he’s also on twitter.

WordCamp Pokhara 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!