Biplav Subedi

Biplav Subedi


Team: Theme Review

Contributor Day Team Lead Type: National

Contributor Day Team Lead Bio:
Biplav Subedi is currently a plugin developer at WPMU DEV . He’s been there for nearly a year now and is thrilled to be a part of the amazing team. He is also a Theme review mod, theme & plugin developer and a core contributor on and loves to review themes as it was his first step to getting involved in the community.

Other than that Biplav is an outgoing person, who loves to do anything and everything. He is your go-to friend to do anything exciting from touring the country to a movie companion, a football teammate to being that friend who beats you on every other game. 😉 Anything you name, he’s up for it.
He also occasionally posts his Cover songs on Soundcloud , go give it a listen.

WordCamp Pokhara 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!