WordCamp Pokhara 2018
Hotel Pokhara Grande is the five-star hotel of Pokhara, Nepal. Providing the right blend of service, luxury, and quiet efficiency. Internationally acclaimed for all-round excellence and unparalleled levels of service, it has got its name listed among 10 best hotels of Nepal.
Chitra Raj Bhandari
Hotels & Travel Agencies: Grow your customers without PAYING.
CRB has over 6 years of experience as a digital marketer during which he has worked for local and multinational brands and helped them grow. He has worked extensively on optimizing WordPress websites for small, medium and big brands and help them get better conversions at lower costs. Starting in the age when websites search engine crawlers relied on words (syntax) to understand the relevance of page to a certain query string – his skills have evolved and helped many small, medium and large scale websites to leverage their web presence for search engine crawlers that understand the ‘intent’ of a search query.
He is the co-founder of Pulse Digit – a digital marketing agency exclusively dedicated to digital marketing services. It provides consultations and training services to businesses and individuals on a wide range of topics including online branding, reputation management, SEO, SEM, SMO, Affiliate Marketing, among others. Get in touch with him on Twitter @CRB_Guru or mail to him chetrajbhandari@gmail.com
Topic Description: This session will focus specifically on digital marketing strategies and techniques for growing clients for hotels and travel agencies using non-paid methods including- Google, TripAdvisor, Local Listings, among others. The session covers non-paid platforms and techniques that hotel and travel agency entrepreneurs should use for getting better rankings and subsequently higher number of clients through organic search. The presentation will cover the following topics: 1. Essential Coding for Localization 2. Essential Citation for Localization 3. Social Media Channels & Localization 4. Converting Visitors into Customers
Intended Audience: Hotel entrepreneurs, Hotel Marketing Managers, Local Business entrepreneurs, Programmers, Designers & ghosts.
Aaseesh Marina
Managing your online presence on Google Search
Aaseesh Marina is part of the Search Quality team at Google which evaluates the quality of Google search results and protects users from being exposed to spam and other types of abuse. He is primarily responsible for educating webmasters on the various tools and resources Google provides to help make user-friendly websites. He also works with the safe browsing team helping to prevent users from being affected by malicious content on the web.
Topic Description: Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling more than three billion searches each day. In this session, you will learn how you can optimize your websites for users and to be compatible with Google search engine. You will learn how search works. You will be given tips on how to do well on search and explore tools that Google offers which you can use to manage your online presence on Google Search. This session is suitable for website or business owners as well as web developers who want to learn more about your website presence on Google organic search.
Intended Audience: website owners, online marketers, ecommerce profesisonals, bloggers, and anyone who manages their own site
Abhishek Deshpande
Modern WordPress Development Environment
Abhishek is a web technology consultant based in Nagpur, currently working as Solutions Architect at Peenak Solutions with 10+ years of experience in Web Development, Digital Marketing across various domains.
Abhishek started with his WordPress version 1.8 as a blogger in 2006. He has been active in the WordPress Community for the last six years. He is a serial WordCamper and Twitter addict, and you can find him on Twitter at any random hour.
Topic Description: A decade ago, when I started Developing WordPress based projects. I used WAMP/XAMPP/MAMP as a stack for development. Over these many years, some developer friendly concepts and tools are introduced to simplify the developer’s life. In this twenty minutes session, I look forward to listing tools for Developers on Mac, Windows & Ubuntu. The talk is all about the wand that every WordPress magician will use to do the Magic. Some mentionable tools: Putty, Cmder, Composer, Git, ngrok, Node.js, Sublime, Atom, Emmet, Docker, Vagrant, Lando, Local by Flywheel, Laragon, Valet, EasyEngine and more.
Intended Audience: Developers – Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced
Utsav Singh Rathour
Giving back to the community
A WordPress enthusiast for the past 11 years or so, Utsav loves WordPress and believes in giving back to the community, that has given him so much. Utsav is the founder of Code Pixelz Media a WordPress development company and owns theme shops like CodeThemes.co and customization service websites.
He loves coffee and code. So next time you are in Kathmandu and need a recommendation on a good cafe with a stable internet connection, you know who to ask 😉
Topic Description: There are a lot of people, who make a living out of WordPress, but not all understand well enough the concept of giving back to the community, especially in the Open Source community. I will be discussing how you can give back to the WordPress community to make it more awesome and how that positively adds to your career and growth. There are more than just a couple ways of giving back and everyone can help it become better one way or other and that is what I will be discussing.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Nishal Gurung
How to create your own MVC framework in PHP?
Nishal, a graduate in Software Engineering is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Goreto Software. He is an avid WordPresser from Pokhara, Nepal. He ringed in with WordPress since last 3 years and is a very active member of WordPress Pokhara meetups. He is a well rounded person but has extensive, hands-on experience as a Full Stack Web Developer.
He powers most of his client’s architectures with WordPress, Laravel and Spring framework, helping them to improve their web experiences. Through WordPress, he has built up his career to this point and believes that there is more to come. Apart from his professionalism at work, Nishal is also a lecturer at Gandaki College of Engineering and Science.
Topic Description:
I will be demonstrating how we can create MVC architecture, use of Design patterns, Dependencies management using Composer.
Intended Audience: Developers
Mizanur Rahaman Mizan
Contributing to the WordPress Repository in a smart way
I am a Computer Science and Engineering post-grad. I have been working with PHP based application development since 2007. I have started working with WordPress since 2012 and since I have fallen in love with it.
Being a former lecturer in the University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) here at Bangladesh, I love to share my knowledge. I have been a speaker at various local events and conferences.
I am also an official WordPress Meetup Organizer for the city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. I am working and contributing towards making WordPress more popular in my city.
Here is the link to the meetup.com group: https://www.meetup.com/Chattagam-WordPress-Meetup/
I am always open towards new opportunities to share and gain knowledge.
Code is poetry and I am constantly trying to be a great poet.
Topic Description: WordPress is world’s most popular Content Management System and it has a market share of over 25% of the World’s website. WordPress.Org community is by far the best in the web industry. WordPress.Org repository is maintained voluntarily by the contributors around the world. So, sometimes it is quite difficult to sync everything together. WordPress.Org item submission needs some extra care. In this talk, I would like to share a guided walk through how to submit an item to the WordPress repository so that it doesn’t stick a long time for reviewing and when it is reviewed it will be live with less or no effort. I will mention the most common mistakes done by the submitted both in theme and plugin repository. I will also encourage the developer to join the review team in order to shorten the waiting period of time. Reviewing is fun and educational. We learn a lot by reviewing others code and analyzing them will help us to grow also. I will also cover the basics and common issues that a reviewer should know. How do I know the most common mistakes? I have submitted my items without any prior repository knowledge. I got plenty of rejection and educative explanation from the reviewer which helped me to learn things. Some of them are so silly that I now laugh at myself. And I thought I am the only one doing those. But as I am reviewing items now, I have seen that those are commons. So I can definitely give a good talk on it which might help the community.
Intended Audience: Developer, Support Stuff, Community
Madan Panthi
Student As a Developer
I am an undergrad student and a full-time developer. I have been working as WordPress and Laravel Developer for last 2.5 years. I was started my Professional career when I was in the 3rd semester as a PHP developer in Pattern Fusion Lab and then never stopped since. I am currently working as a Project Manager at Bharyang Ventures.
Topic Description: This topic is focused on providing guidance to young students who want to push their career from a very early stage. It would be about priority management, time management and taking multiple tasks simultaneously. It will basically be about how I used to do and still doing the things to make everything right.
Intended Audience: Students, Developers of early stage
Sita Chhetri
How to make smashing designs?
Hi! I am Sita Chhetri . I work as a Front-end Developer at Webpage Nepal, New Road , Pokhara.
Topic Description: As designers, we’re searching for the best – the best method, the best look, the best font. We have a continuous battle to create brands that are unique but that have a longstanding presence. We make tough decisions constantly, question our instincts, and settle. We fight to make long lasting beautiful, smart and informed design. How do we get there?
In this talk, we are going to dive deep into the designers struggle. We are going to share different processes that can make our work better.
Intended Audience: Beginners
Saurab Sharma
User experience, user interfacing, and other tips and tricks from a design perspective
Saurab knows that design is his passion and is working as a UI/UX designer at Mandala IT Solutions. He has a strong eye for pixel perfect design and specializes in designing and developing user interfaces and digital products. Besides his love for design, Saurab is an adventure enthusiast and has an intense interest in football and music.
Topic Description:
A website is much more than a group of pages connected by links. This session will provide insights upon the essential, easy and fun information on creating a good looking website with primary coding knowledge to help understand basic concepts in UI and UX design.
Intended Audience: Beginners
Abhishek Rijal
Demystifying Gutenberg: The new WordPress Editor
Abhishek Rijal is a professional WordPress developer and recent WordPress Educator, primarily involved in WordPress theme and Plugin development. Currently Working at WEN Solutions, he has been involved with Theme Review, WordPress themes and plugins support team, customizations, and development of WordPress based products.
Abhishek is an active participant and contributor to the regular WordPress meet-ups and community events around Kathmandu. He has also participated in WordCamp Kathmandu 2016 as a Volunteer and WordCamp Kathmandu 2017 as a speaker.
While not working, he loves to travel around and explore new things. Additionally, he engages himself in different social service projects in Nepal as a member of Lions Club International.
Topic Description: Demystifying Gutenberg: As the title suggests, intends to demystify the much talked about WYSIWYG editor for WordPress: Project Gutenberg. With the presentation, I intend to go through the basics of the New interface, features, and functionalities of the new Gutenberg editor that both users and developers can enjoy. The presentation will be beneficial for basic WordPress users to get along with the new Editor interface as well as theme and plugin developers to get some basic ideas on the features and extensibility of their projects with the new Editor. Let’s talk Gutenberg !!
Intended Audience: WordPress Users, junior and mid-level developers
Sushil GC
Programming for body and mind
Sushil works as CEO at DreamSYS IT Solution PVT Ltd and actively volunteers on a social club named Divine Youth Club Nepal.
He is a Software Engineer with other two S specialties. 1 S is Spiritual and another S is Social Activist. He started working in the field of programming during his study time. With his hunger for learning more programming languages, he started a Bachelor in Software Engineering and also started his startup. Startup are never easy and so was with him but with his self-motivated nature, he never let it down while increasing his skills. He is prominent in programming languages like Java, Android, Spring Boot, Laravel, Angular2+, and Vue.
Meanwhile, he loves to contribute his time towards the welfare of society, state, and nation for growing positivity among youth and rest.
Topic Description:
Along with advancement of science and technology, these breakthroughs have enhanced every aspect of computer science.And field of programming languages are just keeping coming so fast. A little too fast perhaps.
A programming skills you acquired earlier will be obsolete if are not keeping yourself updated and will impact your occupation . This trends of keeping programming skills up to date in this very competitive world, we fellow programmers/developer or any technical people have suffer stress,anxiety and even depression.
So There is a need of such kind of programming that will work for our Body and Mind and help to keep us strong in this battle of competitive programming fields. In this talk, i will discuss about inner engineering for our Body, Mind, and Soul.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Laxmi Gurung
You don’t need to be a full-stack developer to be a successful developer.
I work as a Software Developer at Genese Software Solution, Durbarthok Marga, Newroad, Pokhara-Lekhnath.
I focus on creating logical back-end, front-end and core computational logic using PHP, databases, JavaScript, jQuery, and frameworks like Laravel & angularJS.
Topic Description: I find most of the beginners getting frustrated and panic while starting to code. They think of the bundles of programming languages to be learned rather than starting to code. They also quit if they won’t be able to proceed. They think that a successful developer is the one who knows everything (full-stack) on back-end and front-end. But it is just that you can get knowledge about the new technologies, know which programming language is comfortable for you and decide which to choose and proceed further. For example: In a web development, if you are good at handling front-end and API then you can work in a team and carry out your work. You can improve yourself by learning new frameworks, upgrade yourself with new versions of the technologies that you use related to the front-end. Learning is a gradual process and so do success takes time, effort, experience, and patience.
Intended Audiences: Developers, students, and other interested audiences.
Narayan Koirala
Pearls of Wisdom
Mr. Narayan Koirala, Director of Eminence Ways Pvt. Ltd., a pioneer in the field of cyber security, has been continuously working to uplift the field of IT security in Nepal for the past 10 years. Throughout his career Mr. Koirala has partnered with CEOs, executives and solopreneurs to secure their company’s Cyber Security System.
After spending nearly, a decade working in the field of Cyber Security for Major Financial Institutions, Government Bodies and Private Companies of Nepal as
well as few international Companies, Mr. Koirala has seen how companies’ less priority into data security face bigger problems in the long run. His company,
employing more than 20 professionals have been constantly working to identify these vulnerabilities. Recently, his company was listed among the top
15 creative startups of Nepal at Creative Business Cup organized by Antarprerana Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Koirala has landed coverage in various National Daily like The Himalayan Times, Republica. His articles are about raising awareness about the Data
Security in the fast-paced technological advancement. Beside that, he is associated with Nepalese Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum (NYEF) as a member.
He has been invited as a member of panelist at ‘4th Industrial Revolution: Technology Impact and Data Security’ organized by Global Shapers Community. Also, at first ever Cisco global Cyber Security Summit at Kathmandu, he shared his views on Cyber Resilience with other panelist members.
Mr. Koirala holds a Bachelors of Engineering in Software (Pokhara University) and an MBA (Punjab University). He is a certified ISO 27001:2013 Auditor as well as CISCO CCNA CyberOps.
Topic Description:
In the session ‘Pearls of Wisdom’, we will have an interrogatory session with Pokhara’s very own Mr. Narayan Koirala, the Director of Eminence Ways Pvt. Ltd. and a pioneer in the field of cyber security who has been continuously working to uplift the field of IT security in Nepal for the past 10 years. This is so that we could all get to know him better and draw inspiration from his life goals and career experiences.
This session will unite everybody to help find inspiration from each other.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Takayuki Miyauchi
We Love Automation: An Introduction to WP-CLI
I am a WordPress consultant living in Japan. I am loving to contribute to WordPress, a team member of WP-CLI, a WordPress core contributor.
Topic Description: WP-CLI is a command line interface for WordPress. It means you can manage WordPress without a browser. I am going to introduce how to use WP-CLI in this talk. What is your local development environment for WordPress? You can launch it in a minute! Do you want to install a plugin into many sites? You can do it very easy!
Intended Audience: Engineer, Programmer
Niranjan Udas
WP Project Management Lifecycle – An insight into the context of Nepal
I am a software engineer, born and living in Pokhara. I am currently involved with Genese Software Solution, which I co-founded with my friends five years ago. Since then, I have worked on and off with WordPress. I have created several WordPress sites and a few custom plugins for national and international clients. I also work as a part-time lecturer at Gandaki College of Engineering and Science, where I’ve been working mostly to provide practical knowledge with a taste of industrial experience to the students.
Topic Description: WordPress is not new in Nepal. But most of the clients we come across are new to WordPress. Due to the lack of understanding of how WordPress works, the developers have been facing a lot of huddles. Through WordCamp, I want to share my experience on how I have managed to tackle these issues with a few easy steps. This session would be useful especially for those web developers, who are new to managing WP projects and meeting the expectations of the clients.
Intended Audience: Beginners, WP developers, Project Managers, and anyone who is having trouble managing the expectations of the clients
Bikram Adhikari
Scaling your WP Site
I am a software engineer. I graduated in 2013 and have been professionally working for 5 years now. I have been mainly working as a DevOps Engineer and Cloud Solution Architect.
Topic Description:
The theme that I am trying to focus on is how migrating to the cloud (my presentation will be geared towards AWS) will help developers achieve production level scalability. I will be discussing around three of the AWS services which every development team can adopt right now.
First I will be talking about EC2, it is the computing service provided by AWS with a plethora of server types to choose from, combining EC2 with other services like Autoscaling and Load Balancer that AWS provides a WP site can handle massive hit too.
Another service is S3, it is a block storage service which can be used to host static content of WP, there are various plugins which a developer could use to host their media files. The durability, availability, versioning of your media files assures that no matter what the scale is your static content is delivered
The third service that I would like to talk about is RDS it is the database offering by AWS, you can use Mysql or even better Aurora which has the same API to that of Mysql. With features like MultiAZ deployments and read replicas the development team can be assured that DB is never a bottleneck when it comes to the performance of the WordPress site
Intended Audience: Developers
Sandilya Kafle
Importance of Support in WordPress Business
WordPress Developer and Theme Reviewer. I am the co-owner and co-founder of Template Sell. I am from WordPress community Biratnagar and WordCamp Biratnagar 2018 lead organizer. Besides this, I am RTI activist, social entrepreneurs promoters, and tech enthusiasts.
Topic Description: Best and dedicated support is the key factors to increase the business. The customer always looks for reliable and best support before purchasing the products. So, I will share my experience, key ideas about the importance of support for the business. I will cover how we can give dedicated support, how we can get more customers via support and how it really affect the business as well. So, my topic will be very useful to all the attendees, who are doing their own business and planning to do it. I will discuss, * Live chat support * Ticket support * Forum support * Call support etc I will share about the advantages and disadvantages of the support methods as well.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Our Sponsors

28% of all online stores are powered by WooCommerce. Built on WordPress, WooCommerce is a fully customizable, open source eCommerce solution.
- 3+ million active installations
- 34+ million downloads
- 450+ extensions to add functionality
Whether you’re selling a few handcrafted items to a niche market, taking an existing business online, or going global with an enterprise level eCommerce business – WooCommerce will get you set up and selling fast and scale securely as you grow. Plus your content will be forever yours and customizable down to the finest button color.
Developed and supported by a distributed team, WooCommerce is powered by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com.

Transform how you work with your WordPress sites and rest easy knowing they’re always firing on all cylinders. Jetpack connects your site to the global services, community, and support provided by WordPress.com so you can focus on the stuff that matters.
Jetpack automatically shields your site from the unwanted attention of spammers, hackers, and malware, while real-time sync and backup means you don’t have to worry about data loss. Straightforward traffic-building tools help you attract the attention of readers and search engines. Pages and videos are delivered at high speed from a global, ad-free content delivery network.
With Jetpack’s Affiliate program you can earn 20% for every sale of Jetpack to your customers and clients. And with unlimited referrals, the sky’s the limit! Refer as many clients and contacts as you can, and get paid for every sale you generate.
Make your site work for you. Get your Jetpack today at Jetpack.com
Webpage Nepal

Webpage Nepal is a web Solutions Company that specializes in web design, web development, website maintenance, graphic design, online marketing, search engine optimization, corporate branding, social media, web designing training and applications, the difference is that we do our tasks in a responsible manner, by a young creative team, using latest technology because our aim is success and customer satisfaction.

Themeum is a WordPress based products company with the aim to offer plugins and themes with our devoted team of WordPress experts. Our themes are extremely responsive, user-friendly, and highly customizable to provide clients with superb flexibility for efficient website building experience.
The most recent launch from Themeum is the WP Page Builder plugin. This plugin ensures that all WordPress users can build a fully functional website with over 30+ addons, 60+ predefined layouts and brilliant technical support.
The power of community and giving back is extremely important to the Themeum team which is why we creating the WP Crowdfunding plugin. Our other free plugins include WP Mega Menu, WP Support Desk and many more!
Themeum provides themes and plugins that offer diverse functionality and are designed to adopt upcoming trends. All the themes and plugins we have developed are a complete mixture of new vision and creativity.
Visit our stall this WordCamp Pokhara 2018 and share your ideas, thoughts, feedback and help us serve you even better!
Find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Medium, Pinterest

GoDaddy Pro offers a robust suite of free tools to web developers & designers to help them save time managing all their clients and sites. With GoDaddy Pro, you can easily shop for your client, monitor their sites, and manage all their WordPress websites from one place. Exclusive time-saving tools let you update WordPress core, plugins and themes with one click, as well as automate WordPress backups, cloning and migrations. Get real-time performance, security and uptime monitoring across all your websites. Additionally, your free membership includes advanced 24/7 technical support.
When you pair GoDaddy Pro with GoDaddy hosting products, the benefits are even greater.
WP Drizzle

WP Drizzle founded by Mr. Biplav Subedi, comprises of a brilliant team of WordPress Developers and Designers with clinical skills who are also known for their erudition on Web Development. We have visualized and working on WordPress products that help people of a diverse range of users – be it students, professionals, businesses, bloggers & others.
We have built each product with passion and brilliance, with loads of research on what the user would possibly want on their theme and how we can implement a user’s need into our products so that each user can showcase themselves without compromising on quality, speed, elegance or anything for that matter. We also keep our products updated so that they can help compete users in any real world scenario.
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Yoast Academy

As the well-known saying goes; “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” That’s exactly what Yoast Academy is all about. Instead of fixing the SEO of your website for you once, we’ll teach you how to do it yourself forever. If you’re new to SEO, the best start is our Basic SEO course, followed by the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training with personal configuration review which teaches you how to configure our popular Yoast SEO plugin on your website. After mastering these basics, you can take the deep dive with Technical SEO, SEO copywriting, multilingual SEO and many other courses.
And the more knowledge you have, the better we can work together on making the web a better place for everyone!

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over 1 million WordPress sites worldwide. Their objective is to help customers, whether novice or pro, create a thriving online presence at an affordable price. With a team of in-house tech experts available 24/7, Bluehost dedicates time and resources to providing the best support and services in the industry. Join millions of other site owners and see what Bluehost can do for you and your online presence.

WPERP, Inc. is the provider of pioneer enterprise resource planning solution in WordPress industry. We started working on WPERP in 2015 and released the first beta version in 2016. At that time WordPress had no plugins that covered all aspects of a business and allowed companies to manage everything on their own from a single solution. Our goal from the start has been to make WPERP the one-stop solution for small business owners to manage all of their needs from a single platform. WPERP, thus, adds value in the following ways: (more…)
NEPCOMS Services

NEPCOMS Services is one of the leading and renowned education consultancies in Australia and Nepal. We have been providing excellent education counselling services to students from last 15 years. Our certified counselors by the British Council, Education New Zealand and QEAC are committed to excel in the care of young learners. NEPCOMS Services is dedicated to help Nepalese students find the right track for their further education in a foreign land. We provide the guidance and support needed by the students by proposing all the alternatives possible for you to choose and make the appropriate decision for your career accordingly.
We run classes for IELTS, TOEFL and other various English language courses. Moreover, we provide counselling services and support to the students who wish to pursue their further education in countries like the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
We believe that overseas education is not an expense but an investment where the returns come over a lifetime.
Follow us on : Facebook
WP Travel

Enhance your Travel site with powerful WordPress travel and tour management plugin.
WP Travel is the best choice for a Travel Agency, Tour Operator or Destination Management Company, wanting to manage packages more efficiently & increase sales. WP Travel is scalable, powerful and probably, the easiest plugin available in WordPress to manage packages and booking.
Besides our free version of the plugin, there are many WP Travel addons and theme that can give you more features and payment options. We will be constantly adding more features, plugin, and theme. So with theme and plugin, you can create your travel site quickly with no coding knowledge. If you have a problem with installation or while using then you can check our documentation or can ask questions in our support forum.
WP Travel is also developer friendly so with hooks and templates, you can easily customize the plugin. There is also developer documentation available to learn more about the plugin hooks and templates.
Travel these days is a serious business so if you’re looking to add functionalities to your Travel/Tours website it is the best plugin available for the moguls of travel and tourism industries.
Code Pixelz Media

A team of 17+, with a common love for WordPress. We have worked on projects small, large and everything in between. For us website isn’t just getting your pages ready. A website isn’t working until it is actively learning. An eCommerce store, that doesn’t interact with customers, a listing site, that doesn’t grow it’s user base and anything that isn’t intuitive are just pages, and there are a lot of pages out there in the web.

PickPlugins create professional plugins on WordPress, Our professional team only focused on WordPress plugins to extend opportunity on your website and business, we have the number of great plugin with the good user base and available to download free from wordpress.org repository.
Post Grid is one of the popular plugins from our company with 50K active install and 400K download, this plugin allows you to create custom post grid from any post type and display anywhere via shortcode. this plugin also supports WooCommerce and others popular plugin to make awesome post grid.
Accordion also another useful plugin available at repository with 30K active install, it easy to use and beautifully create FAQ section or accordion section via shortcode.
We aim to deliver plugins and themes spiced up with the latest development trends and best practices. We love simplicity and intuitiveness, so all of our plugins are designed to be Front-end. we have created more than 40 plugins available to download free from wordpress.org repository, plugins are downloaded more than million times and more than 100K active install. We have some premium plugin that’s we are selling from pickplugins.com with excellent user feedback.

WPFactory is fast growing marketplace for premium WordPress themes and Plugins. You can get wide range of plugins and themes from same platform in very affordable price. WPFactory is best place for both developers and buyers. Creating account in WPFactory is very simple and easy step. You can start selling your theme or plugin right after you register in the site.
WPFactory offers 80% of the sale price to the author. From the rest of it WPFactory covers all possible fees including payment gateway. So, you don’t have to worry about anything else. You get full 80% from the listing price as there is no middleman between buyers and sellers. Payment can be withdrawn to your PayPal account or via direct bank transfer.
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Skein Software Builders

Skein Software Builders is a place where creativity joins hands with the supremacy of high-end technology that reflects on the progress of our clients.
We are a team of passionate, creative and result oriented professionals, aimed to deliver cutting-edge web design & web development service to fulfill the goals and objectives of clients.
From strategy to website design and WordPress setup, our professionals work with the dedication to deliver client success on every project assigned.
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Urja Lab

With the aim of Engaging, Exploring and Empowering, Urja Lab was found in the year 2017 by two young entrepreneur minds. Since then, Urja Lab a Social Enterprise has been working its best to efficiently provide customized and well-updated solutions to it’s customers keeping in consideration their specific individual and organizational needs. With specialization in Extra Curricular Activities, events and programs consulting of corporate Social Responsibilities, we believe in developing mutually beneficial relationships. We also offer specialized trainings, courses and seminars on leadership, motivation, diplomacy and debating.
Moreover, We are working in the field of Information Technology as Urja Tech Solution, We provide services like Web Development, Software Development, Application Development, Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.
It is led by Binayak Poudel and Bibek Sapkota as Chair and Executive Director respectively.
Designs Nepal Creative Solutions

Designs Nepal Creative Solutions is a full-service creative agency leveraging a digital and traditional marketing mix to accelerate your brand’s growth. We build go-getter lifestyles around brands, inspired by real-time social insights and data. Using social media insights, we are able to put the voice of the consumer at the heart of our thinking. From advertising, to content, to retail and everything in between, we create desirable worlds that customers want to be part of. Brand Strategy, Integrated Campaign, Content Strategy & Creation, Digital Design & Development, Social Strategy, Community Management, Retail Engagement, and Brand Experience are some of our capabilities that we excel in.
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XL Soft Tech Pvt. Ltd.

XL Soft Tech Pvt. Ltd. is a growing company with the aim of taking the advantages of the emerging technologies in the sector of information technology. We want to adapt ourselves with the rapidly growing demands of the modern society and identify ourselves in the global network of business. Our services include Web Development, CMS Integration, Digital Marketing, Payment Gateway Integration and other such services. We deliver cost effective and quality web technology solutions to our prospective clients and maintain excellent relationship with them. We want to become the preferred service provider by choice, for all our existing and new clients to grow their businesses
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Stupa Technology

Stupa Technology is a consortium of group of companies and professionals working together to provide technology solutions. In the process, it continuously engages with the requirements of the client/project, carries out engineering process, and then provides the innovative solution to the client based on requirement and market demands.
Stupa Technology possess strong Research and Development (R & D) team that innovates on different technology aspect, maintain quality of standard in SDLC process including end delivery, along with support (event after delivery). Multiple representation across the country and International network are the standings of Stupa Technology. Besides CRP, CRM, software, web based solutions, our company woks in new dimension of Artificial Intelligence and associated grounds. Company also supports a lot of CSR activities that includes training, mentorship, research support, community action, innovative initiatives.
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Mandala IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Mandala IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a software company based in Pokhara, Nepal that has its mission; an aim to bridge gaps through Information and Technology by providing full-cycle services in the areas of Business Application Development, Mobile Apps Development, Content Management Solutions, and Enterprise eCommerce Solution. We provide a comprehensive online solution to our customers worldwide.
Our team has been actively involved in the WordPress community of Pokhara from the very beginning, collaborating with some of the most talented people in the city. We love being a part of the Community and want to help it grow since it creates even more opportunities to meet, collaborate, and share ideas with inspiring WordPress professionals and celebrate how far we’ve come as a community.
In-kind Sponsor

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Find more about stickermule support for WordCamps: https://www.stickermule.com/supports/wordcamps
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About Pokhara
Top 5 Reasons to Attend WordCamp Pokhara 2018
The 1st ever WordCamp in Pokhara will be held on 24th November 2018 at Birauta, Pokhara. #WCPKR is a not-for-profit event aimed at developers, designers, local businesses and WordPress enthusiasts.
Welcome to WordCamp Pokhara
We’re thrilled to announce that WordCamp Pokhara, the FIRST ever WordCamp for the city of Pokhara is officially on the calendar!
WordCamp Pokhara will be held on 24th November, 2018 at Hotel Pokhara Grande, Birauta Chowk, Pardi Pokhara